Gratton School District has made many changes through the years to protect the safety of the students. Fences around the school were raised and gates are locked during school hours. In addition, all classroom doors remain locked during instruction. All visitors must check in at the front office. The staff has completed formal safety training for everything from natural disasters to planned and unplanned lock downs. The district practices safety drills monthly.
Release time for all students is at 2:20 with the exception of occasional minimum days when the release time is 12:30. Students are picked up in an orderly fashion at the curb in front of the office. One line of traffic is used to prevent students from crossing traffic in the parking lot. The average pick up time lasts until 2:30. The district thanks the community for their patience at the intersection and their cooperation with keeping students safe during the 10 minute pick up time each day.
Release time for all students is at 2:20 with the exception of occasional minimum days when the release time is 12:30. Students are picked up in an orderly fashion at the curb in front of the office. One line of traffic is used to prevent students from crossing traffic in the parking lot. The average pick up time lasts until 2:30. The district thanks the community for their patience at the intersection and their cooperation with keeping students safe during the 10 minute pick up time each day.